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What do I do if I forgot my password?

Before you can log into HOBY Connect, your annual volunteer application must be approved by your local site leadership. Approved volunteers will be added to HOBY Connect in 1-2 business days after approval.
If this is your FIRST TIME logging into HOBY Connect, your password will be blank/empty. You will set a password for your account immediately after logging in for the first time.
If you are a returning user, follow the instructions below to reset your password:
  1. If you attempt to log in using an incorrect username/password, you will be redirected to a login screen that looks like this: 
  2. Click the 'Forgot your password' link above the Log In button to initiate the password reset process.
  3. Enter your email (note: this must be the same email that matches your volunteer record/application) and click the Send Password Reset Email button. 
  4. HOBY Connect will email you with next steps.  
  5. Follow the link sent to your email to complete the password reset process.